Create Your Own T-Shirt, When Art Meets Cotton!
T-Shirt apa yang kamu inginkan? T-Shirt desain dari kita? Atau T-Shirt desain kamu sendiri? Tinggal pilih. Kalau kamu mau T-Shirt dengan desain eksklusif dari kita, pilih saja beberapa layout contoh yang kita buat atau desain dari kamu. Mau T-Shirt dengan kata-kata yang aneh..., ya tinggal pesan saja T-Shirt seaneh kamu mau. Atau mau T-Shirt yang isinya kata-kata hasil ide kamu sendiri... bisa! Ekspresikan gayamu bersama FreakTees!
Senin, 01 Juni 2009
Single Mom
Being a Single Mom I think it's not a choice and It's difficult one. I made it for my best friend...I proud of her whatever She choose ^_^
Bahan : Cotton 100%
Jenis cetak : Screen Printing
Price : Rp. 130.000,-
Size : S, M, L, XL
Available color : Putih, Hitam, Biru langit, Kuning Kenari, Soft Pink, Hijau Army, Orange, Merah, Abu-abu, Biru, Biru Donker, Krem, Maroon, Hijau Muda, Coklat.
Ongkos kirim please cek
Label: digital artist, graphic design, online dating, single, t-shirt, tees
Hey..Hello..Pa kbr...Kata sapaan yang selalu aku denger daily.
This T-Shirt I made for you Guys.
Bahan : Cotton 100%
Jenis cetak : Screen Printing
Price : Rp. 130.000,-
Size : S, M, L, XL
Available color : Putih, Hitam, Biru langit, Kuning Kenari, Soft Pink, Hijau Army, Orange, Merah, Abu-abu, Biru, Biru Donker, Krem, Maroon, Hijau Muda, Coklat.
Ongkos kirim please cek
Label: cotton, digital art, dream, social networking, t-shirt, tees
I prefer to keep my faith inside and doing what my God said. I think this t-shirt will make you feel Him inside.
Bahan : Cotton 100%
Jenis cetak : Screen Printing
Price : Rp. 85.000,-
Size : S, M, L, XL
Available color : Putih, Hitam, Biru langit, Kuning Kenari, Soft Pink, Hijau Army, Orange, Merah, Abu-abu, Biru, Biru Donker, Krem, Maroon, Hijau Muda, Coklat.
Ongkos kirim please cek
Label: cotton, digital art, Islam, muslim, personalized, t-shirt, tees
Online Dating
Most people said that online dating is full of liar and stupid person. Well I can't say not but it was nice having online relation with someone. Please don't expect more than you thing from this relation. This t-shirt I've designed for my x boyfriend.
Bahan : Cotton 100%
Jenis cetak : Screen Printing
Price : Rp. 85.000,-
Size : S, M, L, XL
Available color : Putih, Hitam, Biru langit, Kuning Kenari, Soft Pink, Hijau Army, Orange, Merah, Abu-abu, Biru, Biru Donker, Krem, Maroon, Hijau Muda, Coklat.
Ongkos kirim please cek
Label: cotton, love, online dating, personalized, t-shirt, tees, unique